Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Life in Summerville

Daily life in Summerville

We have been keeping very busy while in Summerville, most mornings we get up early and take a long bike round around White Gables, the neighborhood where Elissa and Jonathan live.

 White Gables

Most mornings, we finish our bike ride with a dip in the White Gables pool to cool off.  The heat and humidity here are hard to get used to.  On days when it is not too hot, Elissa and Sydney join us for a while at the pool.  We have a nice shady spot where we always sit. 

One of the ponds at White Gables with the pool and clubhouse in the background

 It took several weeks to get things squared away in Elissa's house after the hurried move.  Eric and I painted the living room and Sydney's room.  I unpacked Marilyn's old sewing machine and put it to use making curtains, chair cushions and a crib dust ruffle for Sydney's room.  Elissa picked coral and aqua for the nursery colors.  We have really enjoyed getting to spend so much time with Sydney and Elissa. 

Sydney at one month

There have been some adjustments we have all had to make to live in a multi-generational household.  For the most part, things have gone pretty smoothly.  Eric and I have our own bedroom and bathroom, which we have had fun outfitting.  We've had fun shopping the local thrift and antique stores for furniture.  We even decorated our wall with a beer sign we won one evening at Montreaux - the local family pub.  We usually end up there once or twice a week.  It has been fun getting to know the staff and regulars there.  

Eric got this cute old secretary desk for a song.  He refinished it and now it looks great in our room. 

Sydney's Birth Day

Sydney's Birth Day

On June 29, Sydney was born by emergency c-section five and a half weeks early.  She weighed in at 5 lbs, 5 oz.

 Early Saturday morning we received a cryptic text message from Jonathan and guessed that she would be arriving soon.  We decided to keep packing up Elissa and Jonathan's house since this was also moving day.  Jonathan had reserved a truck and had some Navy friends coming over to help.  About mid-morning we received the call from Jonathan that Sydney was here and Elissa was doing well.  We zoomed to the hospital to see everyone. 

Happy Birth Day Sydney!

Eric, with the help of Melissa and David, organized the move and with additional help from some great sailors, got Elissa and Jonathan's household moved to Summerville. 

I got a call on Monday, that Sydney would be released on Tuesday.  Elissa and Jonathan had not purchased anything for the baby, opting to wait until after they got moved into the new house.  I called Aunt Wendy, our family baby expert, got a list of all the essentials and headed out to go shopping.  Elissa and Sydney were delayed a day getting home due to Elissa's blood pressure.  When they arrived home, we had everything set up and ready for them.

 Welcome to your new home