Friday, July 27, 2012

Edisto Island, Cemetary and Plantations

Edisto Island Beach
We had a great day of touring starting at Edisto Island Beach.  The beach was very nice and quiet.  The island was comprised mostly of weekly rental beach homes.  We spent about an hour and a half reading and walking along the beach.  After we left the beach, we headed back toward Charleston.  Along the way, we stopped along the roadside and talked to a Gullah woman making sweetgrass baskets.  She showed us all her materials and how she made them.  The drive was very pretty with lots of live oaks hanging over the road.  We also stopped by the cemetary at the Edisto Island Presbyterian church.  The church was founded in the 1600's.  We spent a lot of time walking among the headstones.  It was amazing to read the stories on some of them and to look at the names and dates.   We stopped at a roadside produce market and picked up some sweet corn and cantelope. I also got an ice cold Cheerwine - my new obsession. 
Sweet grass basket making by the roadside

Edisto Island Cemetary

Drive down Ashley River Road
Middleton Place Plantation on Ashley River Road

 When we got close to Charleston, we headed up the scenic Ashley River Road.  We stopped at three plantations along the road.  Drayton Hall, Magnolia, and Middleton Place.  We walked around the gardens at the plantations. 
Drayton Hall Plantation on Ashley River Road


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