Friday, October 5, 2012

Niagara Falls

We spent Thursday and Friday October 4 and 5 at Niagara Falls.  On Thursday, we found a great park overlooking the falls and just sat and watched them.  From the Canadian side we were able to see both falls at the same time.  With our I-phones we were able to read a lot about the  falls while we enjoyed  watching them.

American Falls

Horseshoe Falls

On Friday morning, we took a ride on the Maid of the Mist boat that took us right up to both falls.  We couldn't believe how many busloads of Asians were on the boat.  Eric and I were the tallest people on the boat.  It didn't matter were we were on the boat, we could see the falls over everyone's heads.  We got soaked.  We couldn't believe how heavy the mist was - it was like a downpour. 

The American Falls from "The Maid of the Mist"

The "Maid of the Mist" in front of the Horseshoe Falls

We drove down the road a bit and stopped at "The Whirlpool".  It is an area downstream from the falls were the water swirls around before making a corner. 

We decided to check out the falls from the American side of Niagra and headed across the Rainbow Bridge.  From the American side, you get to see the water as it goes over the falls and the rapids leading up to the falls. 

The American Falls from the New York side

After looking at the falls, we decided to check out the Daredevil Museum on Roy's recommendation.  It was located in a mini-mart!  It was interesting though.  They had some of the actual barrels and contraptions people went over the falls in.  They also had a lot of photos and info on some of the attempts to go over the falls.  

After dinner, we walked down to the falls again to view them after dark.  They light them up at night. 

One interesting fact we learned is that after tourist hours, they divert more of the water to generate electricity and reduce the flow going over the falls.   


  1. Big fun and a great place! My parents honeymooned there! Headed to KC for the bbq event!

  2. Amazing pics, I also visited Niagara Falls last year in July. Niagara falls is really one of best tourist destination in the world. We visited it from both side and Maid of the Mist boat ride was the best experience for us.

  3. I do agree with you its really great to see a few of the barrels, that the daredevils used. The museum is small, but a nice side trip.

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