Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 10, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012
We are waiting underneath a volcano for the end of the world or maybe it's just time for the Mayans to buy their new calendar. 

Richard came by about noon to see if we wanted to ride into town to the Feria (farmer's market) with him.  We decided to restock our supply of fresh fruit and vegetables.  We quickly made the rounds and purchased what we needed.  I had learned the spanish word for ripe, so I could explain that I wanted 1 ripe and 2 or 3 items not yet ripe to enjoy later in the week.  The avocados are so perfect here, I am going to have to see what else I can make with them besides slices on sandwiches and guacamole.   After making our purchases, we stopped at the "food court" and had a piece of yucca cake (not as good as it looked) and a cold chocolate shake.  We tried a sample of queque de Feliz (Christmas Cake).  It was a spicy cake.  Eric liked it and I wasn't too crazy about it. 

We walked to the bus stop and waited on the bus to take us back up the mountain.  When the bus arrived, we got up and politely waited behind this lady who looked like she was getting on the bus and then didn't, so the bus took off without us.  Instead of waiting another hour on the next bus, we flagged a taxi.  He spoke no English and thought my directions to where we wanted to go didn't seem correct, so he called an American who ran the Grecia Bed and Breakfast to make sure of our directions.  She knew Richard and told the taxi driver where we needed to go.  He gave us her card, so now we have another contact in Grecia.  The driver was very nice and stopped once to let us admire the view and pointed out the sugar cane and coffee fields. 

Later in the afternoon, we saw Henry across the way and waived to him.  He invited us over to see how much his chickens had grown. 

We took a tour of his hillside garden.  He has spent an incredible amount of time building up flat planting boxes in terraces all down the side of the mountain.

 He reminded me of dad with his garden - enriching the soil with compost and trying all kinds of exotic plants.  He is growing all kinds of lettuce and vegetables, fruit trees, berries, pineapples and bananas.  He is even raising tilapia in his "cement pond". 


He said he will harvest his bananas soon and will share them with us.  Yum, I can't wait.

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