Monday, September 17, 2012

We made it to Maine!

We made it to Maine!  We've rented a condo in Ogunquit, Maine for the week of September 15 through September 21.  The leaves here are just barely starting to turn their fall colors.  On Monday, we took our bikes on a long ride to explore the area.  We rode to Ogunquit beach which was very pretty. 

We rode for a bit on a bike/walking path called the Marginal Way that goes along the coast until we reached the point where it was walkers only.   We ran across the Ogunquit Memorial Library which is one of the prettiest buildings in town. 

After a bit more riding around, we headed back downtown to our favorite morning coffee spot, The Bread and Roses.  Eric calls it the Guns and Roses.  I have a lot of trouble choosing between all of the delicious treats.  We've tried two kinds of scones, a pumpkin whoopie pie, a cinnamon roll and a chocolate fluffy thing so far that have all been wonderful.   They have some little tables set up in the alley between their shop and another shop where we enjoy our morning americano. 

After our coffee break, we walked around downtown and checked out some of the shops and mailed our postcards.  We had lunch at a Pizzaria.  After lunch, we continued our ride in the other direction.  We stopped at the Lobster Pound and learned all about how to select a lobster from the guy working there.  They piped in water from the ocean a couple of blocks away for a big tank that held the live lobsters.  We checked out a nice antique shop - too bad we didn't need anything.  We stopped for awhile at the Ogunquit River and then walked across the footbridge to Footbridge Beach.  It was also very pretty.  We are right at the point where the Ogunquit River dumps into the Atlantic Ocean.  We were amazed at how clear and blue the water is here.   

The Ogunquit River, the Atlantic ocean is just over the dunes in the background.

Footbridge beach

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