Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 23 Barbeque

Day 23
BBQ for Elias and Mamen

On January 3, we all had a farewell barbeque for Elias and Mamen.  They would be leaving for Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean coast in a couple of days. 

Mamen, Lola, Elias, Candela, Harvey, Lilly and Eric

The guys started heating up the grill about 2 and we started cooking our first meat, Lilly's wonderful meatballs, about 3.  We had fun bringing out all our mis-matched dishes, glasses and cutlery to try to get enough for all of us to use.

We continued cooking, eating, drinking and visiting for hours.  Our next course was chicken and we finished up with steak.   

While we visited, Lola, Candela and Fluffy had a tea party. 

While Fluffy enjoyed the plastic food at the tea party,  Muha, Richard's dog helped herself to some of our steaks that were marinating.  

We had such a great time visiting with everyone.  We got to hear some of Harvey's stand-up comic routine and he also told us a lot about astrology.  It was so much fun to compare stories about our different cultures and learn so much in the process.  We are really going to miss Elias, Mamen and their girls, they have been such wonderful neighbors and we have really enjoyed all the time we have spent together. 

Lilly and Lola

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