Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art with a Splash

On Friday September 21, we decided we really liked staying in this area of southern Maine so we called and were able to book our condo for another week.  In the afternoon we headed to Portsmouth, New Hampshire just a few miles away.  We wandered around their Market Square area again and then went to Prescott Park by the harbor for a picnic supper.  We stopped and looked at the Oracle house which was built in 1702. 

We went back to Market Square for a popover with maple butter and an americano for dessert.   I had enrolled in a painting/party class at Art With a Splash.  I took my bottle of wine and headed in to paint with several other people.  Eric decided to check out the local pub scene.  Two glasses of wine and two and a half hours later, here is my masterpiece. 

It reminded me a lot of a photo I had taken a couple of days earlier in Kennebunkport.

Eric said he enjoyed pub hopping around Portsmouth's Market Square and loved the view of the North Church steeple that was all lit up. 

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