Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cape Porpoise and Kennebunkport

On Tuesday September 24, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and headed out for Cape Porpoise and Kennebunkport.  At Cape Porpoise, we saw the Goat Island Lighthouse. 

We climbed around on the rocks and hung around the dock at Cape Porpoise for awhile watching the lobster boats. 

We talked to one of the lobstermen and  he showed us his catch of lobsters - or "lobstas' as he called them.  We drove over to the beach at Cape Porpoise and enjoyed a picnic lunch and some relaxing time.  We stopped in at the Cape Porpoise General Store and Post Office to get some supplies.  It was as quaint as it sounded. 

We drove back to our favorite spot along the coast between Kennebunkport and Walker's Point.  We unpacked our camp chairs and spent the afternoon reading and climbing on the rocks.

For supper, we went for Gran's Chowder House in Kennebunkport.  We met Tony one of the owners of Gran's the other day when we stopped for a blueberry-apple crisp.  He is an EMT from Ireland and married to an American.  He is to be deported back to Ireland in January since he is not performing a skilled job and was honest and applied for a visa and citizenship the correct way.  

After supper in Kennebunkport, we headed back to our favorite coastal spot and watched the sun set.

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