Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fredericksburg, Virginia

We spent a nice day in Fredericksburg, Virginia on Thursday August 30.  We had a great pizza and cannoli for lunch and later expresso in the historic downtown area.  As we walked around the downtown area, we ran across the auction block still mounted on the corner where they had held slave and property auctions.

We took a fun tour of a 1770's Apothecary Shop.  The tour was given by the doctor's "assistants" who were costumed and stayed in character while describing all the cures the doctor had available for different ailments.  They had some huge live leeches which they showed us.  It was amazing that anyone survived to old age during that time.

 Later in the afternoon, we headed out to the Fredericksburg Battlefield.  Unfortunately for Fredericksburg, the town was located right between the federal capital in Washington and the confederate capital in Richmond.  The Battle of Fredericksburg in December of 1862 ended up as a victory for the confederacy, but destroyed the town. 

Part of the rock wall on one side of the "sunken road" defense position that was crucial for the confederate troops.

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