Saturday, August 25, 2012

Goodbyes and Hellos

We had to say goodbye to Jonathan and Elissa on Friday, August 24.  It was definitely bittersweet leaving.  We were ready to leave the heat but sad to leave Elissa, Jonathan and Willie the cat. We really enjoyed getting to spend so much time with Elissa and Jonathan and getting to know the area around where they live.

One last photo of Jonathan in his work uniform

I don't think Willie was quite ready for us to go.  He was pretty sure that he could fit in the suitcase.

After leaving Goose Creek, we headed north towards Charlotte, North Carolina.  Our friends, Tony and Shari live just north of Charlotte on Lake Norman.   It was so nice to see them again.  It had been about 7 or 8 years since I had been here last.  Eric had been here to visit about a year ago.  Just before dusk, we headed out on one of their boats across the lake to eat at a dockside grill.  We had a lot of fun - so much fun, that I forgot to take any pictures.  After we got back to Tony and Shari's, we took their dogs for a short boat ride on the lake.  They love to ride on the boat.  Lake Norman is very clear and pretty.  There are lots of homes built all around the lake, each with their own boat dock.  There are some huge multi-million dollar homes, some small lake cabins and everything in between built along the lake shore.

Boo riding in the boat.  Each dog has her favorite seat on the boat.

This morning, Eric and took a nice bike ride around the lake.  Now I am enjoying blogging while sitting on the back deck of Tony and Shari's house overlooking the water.  It is so peaceful with the sound of the fountain and the water lapping on the shore.  I could sit here all day.

My view from the back deck.

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