Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Last Day on Lake Norman

On Sunday August 26, we spent our last day with Tony and Shari.  We started off the day at our favorite spot - the back porch.  We enjoyed a nice breakfast and some coffee while overlooking Lake Norman.  

A family a ducks came up off the lake into the back yard for some breakfast. 

After a wonderful morning relaxing and visiting on the porch, we headed out in the boat to a lakeside grill for lunch.  Captain Tony and Captain Eric took turns at the helm.   The weather was perfect and the lake was gorgeous.

We motored up to our lunchtime destination, the Blue Parrot Grill and docked the boat.

We enjoyed a nice leisurely lunch on the patio at the restaurant.   After lunch, we took a nice slow tour of the lake.  There are so many pretty homes along the lake shore.  This house is an old plantation home that has been remodeled.  Last time we were here, we stopped and visited with the owners, who are friends of Tony and Shari's. 

This is Tony and Shari's house and dock from the water.   They are planning to rent out their house next summer to vacationers.  What a wonderful vacation spot!  We love the peace and quiet on their section of the lake and it is so much fun to take the boat across the lake to eat. 

                                                              Shari's garden art.  

After leaving Tony and Shari's,  we drove to the Childress Vineyard in North Carolina.  The vineyard is owned by NASCAR car owner Richard Childress. 


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I've visited the area several times on vacation as a child, and I loved the area. I've decided to contact a few Lake Norman NC real estate agents and inquire about the costs of relocating there. Do you have any recombination for the best area to live?
